For over 30 years, SOS electronic has been a trusted source for electronic components for the European industrial market. Starting as a small company in Central Europe, we've grown into a global leader, providing solutions to customers in over 100 countries.

We share our expertise through several channels:

  • Regular product review article: We keep you informed with valuable information about our products through our blog, SOSnews magazine and social media.
  • Exhibition presence: We actively participate in industry exhibitions, allowing you to meet us face-to-face.
  • Dedicated customer support: Our sales representatives visit customers, arrange meetings, and are available through our customer hub.
No matter the stage of your project – early development, component sourcing, prototyping, or even initial brainstorming – we're here to assist you. We will gladly provide you with professional services and help in choosing a product, orientation on the market with components, technical support and information on the current availability of your chosen products. Based on our long-term partnerships with world brands, we are able to provide you with direct technical support when choosing the most suitable solution for a specific application.

Join us at electronica 2024 for exclusive insights and solutions for your electronic component needs.

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